
In the search for objective methods to monitor the course of wound healing, the proteinase PMN elastase (n=56 pat.), the lipid peroxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) (n=18 pat.), and polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMN) migratory behaviour were measured [1, 6, 7, 11]. This "stimulated PMN-locomotion" was quantified by a new PMN migration filter assay (n=10 pat.) [2]. We determined the clinical course during "per primam (pp)" wound healing (group 1), "pp" wound healing with secondary inflammatory disease (group 2), manifestation of a bacterial wound infection during healing-"per secundam (ps)" (group 3) and manifest wound infection ("ps") at the time of admission (group 4).In group 1 PMN elastase returned to normal values on the 10th postsurgical day. Median values in group 3 reflected a highly significant difference (p<0,01) on day 4 and 5 compared with group 1. In group 2 and 4 medians reflected consistent high values without reaching normal ranges throughout. MDA did not exceed the normal range in group 1, in group 3 low levels persisted, and in group 4 a recurring increase was noticed.The total migration index median (TMI) in Group I, which quantifies the percentage of stimulated PMN, reflected its highest value immediately post-surgically and dropped to the lowest on the 13th postsurgical day (decrease by 54%). The mean invasion depth (T/2), a parameter of PMN distribution, showed only slight variation with time. In a group 3-patient, T/2 reflected a maximal migratory stimulation on day 6, 4 days before clinical infection signs could be noticed; then it dropped to the lowest on day 10. This decrease probably reflects a PMN behavioural change from migration to phagocytosis [9].

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