
Abstract Introduction Erectile Dysfunction (ED) refers to the inability to achieve or sustain a satisfactory erection for sexual intercourse. In Brazil, the estimated prevalence of ED among adults aged 40 to 70 years is 42.1%. For the evaluation of primary erectile dysfunction and preoperative assessment of Peyronie's disease, Penile Doppler ultrasound, involving drug-induced is recommended. This study aims to provide insights into the epidemiology of patients undergoing penile Doppler ultrasound at a Federal University Hospital. Methods This retrospective study gathered data from the electronic medical records of 179 patients who underwent the examination between March 2021 and March 2023, using the Phillips Affiniti 50G device. Pharmacological induction with 10 mcg/ml Alprostadil, 30 mg/ml Papaverine, and 1 mg/ml Phentolamine. Initially, 0.1 ml of this mixture was applied to the penile shaft, with subsequent adjustments made to achieve the best maximal erection. Results The participants ages ranged from 20 to 80 years, with an average of 59.8(±11,42) years. Marital status distribution showed 139 married and 40 were single. Ethnically, there were 57 white, 69 individuals of mixed race, and 39 black. The average Body Mass Index was 26.6(±4,13). The majority of patients identified as heterosexual (174 patients), with 51 cases of hypertension and 31 cases of diabetes. Additionally, 62 patients had radical prostatectomy. Out of the 134 patients that performed the exam with the report of erectile dysfunction, 54 were diagnosed with arterial insufficiency and 09 had venous leakage. Among the 42 exlcusive clinical report of Peyronie’s, 76% exhibited a uniplanar curvature located in the dorsal region. The average curvature angle was 47°(±19,5). Conclusion Erectile dysfunction was significantly more prevalent than Peyronie's disease. Among Peyronie's patients, uniplanar curvature, especially in the dorsal region, was the most common deformity type. Financing No conflict.

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