
Many college runners supplement their run training with plyometric and resistance exercises, yet little is known about their acute effects on running performance. PURPOSE: To investigate the acute effects of plyometric and resistance training (RT) on running economy (RE) in male collegiate distance runners. METHODS: Eight male distance runners recruited from a local Division 1 college completed a VO2 peak assessment and one repetition max (1RM) testing for four lower body exercises. Two weeks after initial testing, and using a crossover design, each runner completed a continuous 12 minute RE test with six minutes at 60% and 80% VO2 peak each, followed by a one hour RT protocol or rest (CONT). Running economy was assessed via oxygen consumption (VO2) and energy expenditure (kcals/min) during the last 2 minutes of each RE test intensity. RT consisted of three sets of five reps of two plyometric exercises as well as the four lower body exercises previously tested. All resistance work was performed at 85% of 1RM. Following the RT or CONT treatment, subjects immediately completed another RE test as well as one 24 hrs later. Subjects followed an identical protocol after a one week washout period with the alternate condition (RT or CONT). VO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), energy expenditure (EE) and ventilation (VE) were recorded during all RE testing. Metabolic data were analyzed parametrically using a repeated measures ANOVA with a Tukey post hoc test. RESULTS: There were no significant (p > 0.05) increases in VO2 or EE immediately nor 24 hr post-RT. VE was significantly greater (p < 0.05) at 60% and 80% VO2 peak post-RT (57.01 ± 8.94, 89.26 ± 18.06 L/min) as compared to pre-RT (52.81 ± 9.36, 82.28 ± 16.37 L/min). RER was significantly greater (p < 0.05) post-RT (0.94 ± .04) compared to pre-RT (0.93 ± .04) at 80% VO2 peak. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that high intensity RT does not significantly affect RE in male collegiate distance runners.

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