
Light water cooled fast reactor with new fuel assemblies (FA) has been studied for high breeding of fissile plutonium. It achieves fissile plutonium surviving ratio (FPSR) of 1.342 (discharge/loading), 1.013 end and beginning of equilibrium cycle (EOEC/BOEC), and compound system doubling time (CSDT) of 95.9 years at the average coolant density of pressurized water reactor (PWR). It is further improved for reduced moderation boiling water reactor (BWR) (RMWR) coolant density. Fissile plutonium surviving ratio reaches 1.397 (discharge/loading), 1.030 (EOEC/BOEC) and CSDT is 37 years. The present study has shown the possibility of breeding at the PWR coolant density and meeting the growth rate of energy demand of advanced countries at the RMWR and Super FR coolant density for the first time. The new FA consist of closely packed fuel rods. The integrity of welding of fuel rods at the top and bottom ends is maintained as the conventional fuel rods. The coolant to fuel volume fraction is reduced to 0.085, one-sixth of that of RMWR. The volume fraction remains unchanged with the diameter of the fuel rod. The thermal hydraulic design of the cores remains for the future study.

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