
Plutonic igneous rocks of Pan-African belts (500–600 m.y. age) in Africa can be described in terms of three types of assemblages: (1) migmatites formed largely by remobilization of pre-existing sialic crust during Pan-African time; (2) calcalkaline batholithic suites formed in association with subduction of oceanic crust; and (3) alkali-rich, post-tectonic granites. Many suites cannot be placed precisely in one of these categories, either because of intermediate (gradational) characteristics or because of lack of adequate information. Distinction of rocks formed during Pan-African time from older ones whose radiometric clocks were reset at that time is also difficult. The rock suites are very unevenly distributed geographically. Migmatites formed by ensialic crustal remobilization occur mostly in southern and central Africa. Calcalkaline suites occur in north Africa, particularly the northeast. Alkali-rich granites are virtually restricted to the northeastern portion of the continent, the one major part of Africa not occupied by an Archean shield. Evidence for subduction of oceanic crust is also restricted to northeastern Africa. The geologic history proposed for northeastern Africa is as follows: During, and immediately preceding, Pan-African time an ocean basin of uncertain size and shape occurred between the West African and Nubian-Arabian shields. Subduction zones were active on the margins and within the basin. During, and at the end of, Pan-African time extensive development of alkali-rich granites was associated with cratonization of the basin. Paleozoic sediments were then deposited under platform conditions on the newly formed craton, which showed mild epeirogenic activity throughout the Phanerozoic.

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