
We tried to develop an in-vitro test system which could serve as a model for mammalian germ cells in vivo. Two pluripotent cell types were used, because they express some germ cell specific immunological and biochemical markers: (1) Embryonal carcinoma cells (ECC) of the line P19 had been isolated from a teratocarcinoma of murine primordial germ cells (PGC). (2) Embryonal stem cells (ESC) are obtained from the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) induced by mitomycin C and ethylnitrosourea (ENU) were analysed in the two undifferentiated cell lines, ECC and ESC, to detect differences in their sensitivity compared with differentiated cell lines of the mouse. Neither of the model cell lines have shown a greater sensibility after exposure to MMC and ENU. In contrary, the carcinoma cell line was able to tolerate higher concentrations of these genotoxicants. Therefore, SCE analysis in the ECC and ESC lines used does not provide a suitable model for genotoxicty testing on mammalian germ cells.

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