
This study aims to understand the religious elite view of pluralism and religious harmony in Malang. The study was focused on the meaning of pluralism and religious harmony, efforts and things that support and hinder the realization of religious harmony. Empirical research data with qualitative-phenomenological approach was collected through interviews and documentation. The results show: first, the meaning of religious pluralism for the religious elites is very varied, which is the same as tolerance, mutual respect, the goal of all religions are the same, and recognize the fact that there are many religions in this world. Second, religious<br />harmony have meaning as a condition where there is no oppression and domination of one religion over other religions, awakening a deep awareness of diversity, respect for human rights, and the willingness to spread kindness and love for fellow human beings. Third, religious harmony can be achieved through internal efforts to strengthen the faith of each and build awareness to develop a positive attitude towards other religions. In external efforts to create harmony done through emancipatory dialogue and cooperation to resolve humanitarian issues. Fourth, positive attitude that supports the creation of harmony of religions is the willingness and awareness to understand each other and share experiences. Egoism, truth claims, fanaticism, and exclusivism is a negative attitude and expression recognized by the religious elite can interfere with the establishment of inter-religious harmony.<br /><br />


  • This study aims to understand the religious elite view of pluralism and religious harmony in Malang

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Metode Penelitian

Penelitian ini difokuskan pada elite agamaagama di Kota Malang, dengan pertimbangan:1) Malang merupakan salah satu wilayah yang menjadi โ€œlahan suburโ€ bagi tumbuhnya agamaagama besar dunia terkait sejarah sosial kota ini sejak era kolonial; 2) heterogenitas afiliasi keagamaan, yang ditunjukkan data statistik bahwa umat Islam menempati urutan pertama, disusul Kristen (Protestan), Kristen (Katolik), Hindu, Budha dan Konghucu; 3) maraknya lembaga-lembaga kerjasama lintas agama, baik yang diprakarsai pemerintah maupun lembaga civil society lainnya yang mengampanyekan harmonisasi agama-agama, juga menjadi pertimbangan menarik. Penelitian yang tergolong pada jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis (Maliki, 2003: 235236) ini terfokus pada analisis pemahaman dan pemaknaan terhadap realitas subyektif berupa upaya memperoleh perspektif emik elite agamaagama. Pemilihan informan kunci dilakukan dengan teknik sampel bertujuan mendeskripsikan temuan penelitian (Moleong, 2002: 165-166). Mendalam, Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus (DKT), dan dokumentasi untuk mengambil data-data tertulis yang mendukung fokus penelitian. Penelitian ini juga menempuh prosedur pengujian keabsahan data, yakni: memperpanjang masa observasi, melakukan triangulasi metode dan sumber, mengadakan member check, dan peer debriefing (Nasution,1996)

Hasil dan Pembahasan
Makna Kerukunan Umat Beragama
Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat Kerukunan Umat Beragama di Malang
Daftar Pustaka
Berlebihan Berarti Gagap Agamaโ€
Full Text
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