
An infectaous outbreak involving Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae affecting a 2000 pigherd farm in the Metropolitan Region is reported for the first time in Chile. A morbidity of 10% and 15% was observed in post weaning and growing finishing pigs, respectively. The mortality rates for post weaning, growing and finishing pigs were 2.6%, 0.5% and 1.1% respectively. The lesions were restricted to the thoracic cavíty and they consis­ted of delimited pneumonic focuses, fibrinous pleuritis and a great amount of serous bloody liquid. Hemorrhagic infarcts were seen microscopically. Bacteriological isolation from pneumonic lesions and mediastinic lymph nodes demonstrated the presence of a pure culture, which according to its biochemical and growing characteristics it correspon­ded to Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae.

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