
Background Calf pump failure (CPF) is a common concept in chronic venous disease. Dorsal vein pressures were originally used to define the pathophysiology. More recently, an abnormal ejection fraction (EF) and residual volume fraction (RVF) with air plethysmography (APG) have been substituted for its diagnosis. The relationship between reflux and calf pump function has been studied extensively. Reflux is thought to be the main cause of CPF, although other mechanisms may play a secondary role. Data mining in our dataset revealed that CPF is frequently found in nonrefluxive limbs—an unexpected finding. We analyzed the APG features of CPF in nonrefluxive limbs of a large cohort of patients investigated for chronic venous disease in our clinic. Data from refluxive limbs (control) seen over the same period was included for comparison. Venous obstructive pathology was variably present in both subsets. Iliac vein stent outcome in CPF limbs from both subsets is included. The role of obstruction in CPF is currently unknown.

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