
Pleomorphic adenomas arising in the nasal cavity are extremely uncommon, despite the large numbers of minor mucous and serous glands in the region. We present a rare case of a pleomorphic adenoma arising from the lateral nasal wall. A 67-year-old Chinese woman complained of right nasal obstruction for 6months. Flexible nasal endoscopy showed a prominent swelling which was in continuity with the anterior part of the right inferior turbinate. Computed tomography revealed a well-defined, soft tissue dense lesion in the right anterior nasal cavity. The patient underwent a formal surgery to obtain definite diagnosis via a lateral rhinotomy incision. Intra-operatively, a soft mass was seen arising from the lateral nasal wall and the final histology confirmed a pleomorphic adenoma with a predominant stromal component. The main treatment modality is surgical resection with histological clear margins. Good exposure is necessary to ensure complete excision of the tumour, more so when its cellular pattern shows stromal predominance. In our case, the patient demonstrated satisfactory cosmetic results with no evidence of recurrence.

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