
Chemokines are cytokines with chemoattractant capacities that exert their physiological functions through the binding of chemokine receptors. Thus, chemokine and receptor complexes exert important roles in regulating development and homeostasis during routine immune surveillance and inflammation. Compared to mammals, the physiology and structure of chemokine receptors in fish have not been systematically studied. Furthermore, the salmonid-specific whole genome duplication has significantly increased the number of functional paralogs of chemokine receptors. In this context, in the current study, trout exhibited 17 cxcr genes, including 12 newly identified and 5 previously identified receptors. Interestingly, gene expression of brain cxcr1 and cxcr4, kidney cxcr3 and cxcr4, and spleen cxcr3, cxcr4, and cxcr5 subtypes were altered by bacterial infection, whereas brain cxcr1, kidney cxcr1 and cxcr7, and liver cxcr2, cxcr3, and cxcr4 subtypes were changed in response to environmental changes. Based on protein structures predicted by ColabFold, the conserved amino acids in binding pockets between trout CXCR4.1 subtypes and human CXCR4 were also analyzed. Our study is valuable from a comparative point of view, providing new insights into the identification and physiology of salmonid chemokine receptors.

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