
Playwriting in Canadian Popular Theatre“ is a sweeping title that immediately brings into question the term ”popular theatre“ and its elusive definition. I have to begin by agreeing with Raymond Williams that ”popular“ may be the most ”difficult term in cultural studies“ (Merkin). In this paper I do not seek a definition, but rather, to ”facilitate“ the term by discussing and documenting popular theatre creations that I have participated in as an actor and/or playwright and/or director. My subtitle, ”Developing Plays with Actors and Non-Actors,“ pays homage to the work of Augusto Boal, to his invaluable compendium of popular theatre games, and to the influence of Theatre of the Oppressed techniques in popular theatre playwriting (Boal). It also anticipates the actor/playwright duality that is predominant in popular theatre methodology, and the creation and development of plays.

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