
The approach to the field of qualitative research in psychology requires the construction of a series of contents, whether conceptual, procedural and/or attitudinal. In the curricular component “Techniques and Practices of Research in Psychology III” the psychology student is inserted in the field of practice (a waiting room of a health center), as a child play worker (with a view to humanization), assuming the role of an observer participant, thus being introduced to this qualitative research technique. Goal: To report an experience of bringing psychology students closer to the field of scientific investigation, in the place of a participant observer, through play, in a waiting room of a medical center, of a Higher Education Institution. Method: Experience report of a participant observation, in the role of a child play worker, in a waiting room of a Health Center. Result: From the remembrance of the facts and the reading of the documents generated in the TEPIN III curricular component (field diaries and reports), we identified two important moments: the first, referring to the preparation for going to the field, which involved the construction of knowledge about the importance of playing, biosafety norms, health humanization processes and, mainly, the role of the participant observer. The child play worker, as an observer, had to be aware that his activity goes beyond the relationship with the ludic; his role is set, in the proposed context, as that of an observer participating in that environment and of people involved in the process, including himself. Conclusions: It can be noticed that these practices are important for the formation of the student of psychology courses, understanding the value of acting in the field of practice from an early age, for enabling the development of fundamental knowledge that must be acquired by students, throughout their journey and, particularly, favoring an approach to the field of research.

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