
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the general scenario resulting from the emergence and expansion of tourist rental housing in Spain during the period 2010-2019.
 Design/methodology/approach: The approach adopted is qualitative and focusses on identifying the range of players involved in the phenomenon and their varying interests; it also analyses the differing roles played by public authorities through the adoption of regulatory tools and the responses to these.
 Results: This paper shows the existence of a diversity of positions among the various players involved in the phenomenon, as well as divergent responses from public authorities to their demands. This reveals the existence of a complex, heterogeneous scenario characterized by tension between the players; a situation that has not been satisfactorily resolved by the regulatory tools adopted, inthe light of the conflicts observed.
 Originality/significance: The main significance of the work lies in its contribution to the general understanding of the phenomenon of dwellings for tourist use in Spain from a broad, nationwideperspective, which seeks to correct the usual local and partial approaches.
 Limitations of the research: The timescale of the study, the decade 2010-2019, delimits the theoretical framework, the analyses carried out and the conclusions obtained to this period.

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