
AbstractThe margin between Côte d’Ivoire and the Niger Delta is a region with a common structural history, this being reflected in similarities in the stratigraphic response and play fairways identified across the region. There has been significant exploration on the narrow shelf characterizing the margin, resulting in a series of modest oil and gas discoveries. It is shown in this paper that many of the aspects of the plays in the unexplored deep-water regions of the margin are considerably more favourable to the development of giant fields than those on the shelf. This play-fairway review is based on the integration of existing publications with focused studies of multiclient 3-D seismic data over a number of areas.Play fairways are classified by seismic sequence and trap type, with an analysis of each undertaken. The most attractive deep-water play types are: (1) anticlinal traps involving late syn-transform (Apto-Albian) and early post-transform (Late Cretaceous) reservoirs, (2) combination traps involving ponded turbidites on the shoreward flanks of these highs, and (3) stratigraphic traps associated with large Late Cretaceous submarine fan complexes. The anticlinal play is associated with the terminations of the St Paul and Romanche fracture zones, with the more recent structuring generally associated with the latter. 3-D imaging and amplitude mapping is critical to prospect delineation, particularly for the combination and stratigraphic plays. Active kitchens are evidenced involving Early and Late Cretaceous source rocks in the Côte d’Ivoire and western Ghana to Nigeria segments of the region, which are consequently upgraded. Considerable volumetric potential is indicated that promises to make the region one of significant new exploration activity in coming years.

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