
In dairy calves kept in pens, lack of sufficient space may inhibit the performance of play behaviour. The present study investigated, firstly, if an increase in space allowance increases the occurrence of play behaviour, and secondly, if calves kept at a low space allowance perform more locomotor play when released individually in a large novel area. A total of 96 dairy calves in six repetitions were housed in groups of four, in pens of either 4, 3, 2.2 or 1.5 m 2 per calf from 2 weeks of age. The occurrence of play behaviour in the home environment was recorded continuously for each individual calf during 24 h at 5, 7 and 9 weeks of age. Locomotor play decreased over the weeks (54, 29 and 19 s for weeks 5, 7 and 9, respectively; F 2,40=17.98; P<0.001), and the interaction between space allowance and week tended to be significant ( F 6,40=1.96; P<0.10). At 5 weeks of age, calves kept at 4 or 3 m 2 per calf performed more locomotor play in the home environment than calves at 2.2 or 1.5 m 2 per calf (68, 74, 38 and 39 s for 4, 3, 2.2 and 1.5 m 2 per calf, respectively; F 3,15=3.40; P<0.05), but in weeks 7 and 9, no effects of space allowance were found. In addition, the duration of locomotor play was recorded for all calves during an individual 10-min open-field test in a 9.6×4.8 m arena at 4 and 10 weeks of age. During the open-field test at 10 weeks of age, calves from pens with 1.5 m 2 per calf performed more locomotor play than calves on the remaining treatments (10, 9, 12 and 25 s for 4, 3, 2.2 and 1.5 m 2 per calf, respectively; F 3,15=4.05; P<0.05). The present study shows that an increase in the available space increases the occurrence of locomotor play in the home environment at 5 weeks of age. It also shows that calves kept in pens with the smallest space allowance performed more locomotor play behaviour when released in a large arena at 10 weeks of age.

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