
This action study was carried out to develop the letter sound identification abilities of kindergarten pupils of Mansamad Saliling Elementary School, Carmen North District, during the school year 2021-2022 using a Teacher Model Video Lesson and letter sound recognition activities such as tactile letters, fishing letters, and pudding letters. The study employed a pretest and a posttest. The information was gathered using an activity and TMVL, and it is being processed and analyzed using frequency. The findings of this study demonstrate the value of Recorded Video in assisting kindergarten students at Mansamad Saliling Elementary School. The percentage score of has significantly increased. The subjects' pretest and post-test scores differ significantly, indicating that the Recorded Video and letter sound recognition activity are an effective intervention in developing kindergarten pupils' letter sound identification abilities. As a result, the researcher recommended that Kindergarten Teachers use the intervention to assist kindergarten students in strengthening their letter sound identification abilities. Collaboration with administrators and educators is required for the intervention's implementation, which should be prioritized to include and develop the use of Teacher Model Video Lesson. The following suggestions and recommendations intended for this study must be completed and implemented for this action research to continue and improve.

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