
The new data for the geology and mineralogy of the platinum group element (PGE) mineralization related to the chromite–platinum ore zones within the dunite of the Svetly Bor and Veresovy Bor massifs in the Middle Urals are discussed. The geological setting of the chromite–platinum ore zones, their platinum content, compositional and morphological features of the platinum group minerals (PGM) are compared to those within the Nizhny Tagil massif, the world standard of the zonal complexes in the Platinum Ural belt. The chromite–platinum orebodies are spatially related to the contacts between differently granular dunites. Majority of PGM are formed by Pt–Fe alloys that are close in terms of stoichiometry to isoferroplatinum (Pt3Fe), and associated with Os–Ir alloys, Ru–Os and Ir–Rh sulfides, and Ir–Rh thiospinels of the cuproiridsite–cuprorhodsite–ferrorhodsite solid solution. The tetraferroplatinum (PtFe)–tulameenite (PtFe0.5Cu0.5) solid solution and Pt–Cu alloys belong to the later PGM assemblage. The established features of the chromite–platinum ore zones testify to the highly probable identification of the PGE mineralization within the dunite of the Svetly Bor and Vesesovy Bor massifs and could be used in prospecting and exploration for platinum.

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