
In the decade and a half since the introduction of next-generation sequencing (NGS), the technical feasibility, cost, and overall utility of sequencing have changed dramatically, including applications for infectious disease epidemiology. Massively parallel sequencing technologies have decreased the cost of sequencing by more than 6 orders or magnitude over this time, with a corresponding increase in data generation and complexity. This review provides an overview of the basic principles, chemistry, and operational mechanics of current sequencing technologies, including both conventional Sanger and NGS approaches. As the generation of large amounts of sequence data becomes increasingly routine, the role of bioinformatics in data analysis and reporting becomes all the more critical, and the successful deployment of NGS in public health settings requires careful consideration of changing information technology, bioinformatics, workforce, and regulatory requirements. While there remain important challenges to the sustainable implementation of NGS in public health, in terms of both laboratory and bioinformatics capacity, the impact of these technologies on infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigations has been nothing short of revolutionary. Understanding the important role that NGS plays in modern public health laboratory practice is critical, as is the need to ensure appropriate workforce, infrastructure, facilities, and funding consideration for routine NGS applications, future innovation, and rapidly scaling NGS-based infectious disease surveillance and outbreak response activities. *This article is part of a curated collection.

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