
Abstract: Utilizing platelet rich plasma, one of the newest autologous cellular therapies, as an adjuvant therapy in a regenerative medicine management, can be very beneficial. Patients with complications like osteoarthritis, spinal disorders and musculoskeletal problems still facing global lacking in the area of tissue repair strategies. Along with this another major complication associated is with diabetic patients - the development of diabetic foot ulcers that predisposes to limb amputation. To advance the healing process and prevent the patients from progressing towards amputations. Besides many other approaches used. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is attaining momentum, which is composed of platelet growth factors that assist the wound healing cascade – inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. It may occur because of provision of vital growth factors necessary for healing. Currently, variety of PRP formulations have been assessed. The article intends to evaluate the PRP effectiveness for managing diabetic ulcers.

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