
Twenty-eight consecutive patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP), seven of whom had previous cerebrovascular disorders (CVD), were studied for platelet function and coagulation tests. While platelet function tests were found to be normal with the exception of platelet aggregation rate (PAR), there was a significant rise of factors VIII vWF:Ag (Von Willebrand) and (FPA) fibrinopeptide A. Six cases had high levels of both these factors, suggesting the existence of a particular subset of patients with MVP, with a higher risk of thromboembolic episodes, although only three out of seven patients with previous CVD had either FPA or VIII vWF:Ag levels. The broad spectrum of subjects with MVP probably explains the different results obtained when studying platelet function and coagulation factors. Therefore, larger population studies and prolonged follow-up of cases with either coagulation abnormalities similar to the ones found in the present report and/or altered platelet function tests are suggested to discover if it is possible to detect patients with a potential for thromboembolism.

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