
Splanchnic artery occlusion shock was induced in anesthetized rats by clamping the splanchnic arteries for 45 min. The survival rate, plasma levels of thromboxane B 2 (TxB 2) and 6-keto-PGF 1α, serum and peritoneal levels of macrophage tumor necrosis factor (TNF α), the phagocytotic and killing activity of peritoneal macrophages and white blood cells count were evaluated. Shocked rats died within 2 h, while all sham-shocked rats survived more than 6 h. Plasma TxB 2 and 6-keto-PGF 1α levels were increased in rats subjected to splanchnic artery occlusion shock compared to the levels in sham-shocked animals. Serum and peritoneal macrophage TNF α levels were undetectable in sham-shocked rats, whereas shocked rats exhibited increased levels of TNF α. Moreover, splanchnic artery occlusion shock reduced peritoneal macrophage phagocytotic and killing activity, and also produced severe leukopenia. A specific receptor antagonist of platelet activating factor (PAF), L-652, 731 (an i.v. bolus of 3.2 mg/kg 2 min after removal of the clamps followed, 5 min thereafter, by a continuous infusion of 0.16 mg/kg per min for 30 min) significantly increased the survival rate, lowered plasma TxB 2 levels and reduced both serum and macrophage TNF α levels in shocked rats. In addition, L-652,731 completely restored macrophage phagocytosis, partially improved macrophage killing and significantly inhibited leukopenia. Finally, the administration of L-652,731 had beneficial effects on the cardiovascular changes induced by splanchnic artery occlusion shock. These finding are consistent with the involvement of PAF in splanchnic artery occlusion shock and indicate that PAF produces shock through direct and indirect (TxB 2-mediated and TNF α-mediated) actions.

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