
Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete occurs when the stresses arising in the concrete, due to a combination of suction and restraints of deformation such as reinforcement or formwork, equal its strength. However, three different types of suctions should be distinguished, namely total, matric and osmotic suctions. Although the total suction comprises matric and osmotic suctions, it is often used interchangeably with matric suction, with the underlying unconfirmed assumption that either the osmotic suction or its effect is negligible. In this paper, after a discussion of the pore moisture suctions and strength of unsaturated early-age concrete, experimental investigations of the suctions arising in, and the tensile strength and shear strength of, fly ash mixed with solutions of different osmotic suctions are described. It was found that osmotic suction has negligible effect on the shear and tensile strength, and hence, by inference, the inter-particle stresses in the fly ash mixture and early-age concrete. This strongly suggests that the role played by osmotic suction in the plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete is minimal and, accordingly, justifies the focus of earlier researchers on matric suction only.

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