
A plasmonic leak-free focusing lens with two asymmetric concentric ring slits under radiallypolarized illumination is proposed. Each ring slit in the plasmonic lens is designed togenerate surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) with a relative initial phase controlled by thering slit parameters. Through mutual interference of the SPPs with different phases excitedby the two concentric ring slits at the output metal–dielectric interface, the field intensitytowards the center of the focusing lens can be enhanced while that leaking to thecounter-focus direction is effectively suppressed. The optimal parameters of the plasmonicleak-free lens are theoretically obtained by satisfying the above condition and its focusingperformance is demonstrated by numerical simulation. Furthermore, a plasmonicleak-free lens with multiple double-slit groups is proposed and discussed, whichexhibits a higher energy density at the focusing spot of the output interface.

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