
Extensiveresearch conducted on mouse-human chimeras has advanced our understanding on infectiousdiseases including thehuman-malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Invitro culture of asexual-blood stage infection of P. falciparum does not answer all questions related to parasitology, pharmacologyand immunology, andcomplex life cycle, complicated genome, evolution of drugresistance and poordiagnosis makes it difficult to understand the patho-biology of parasite. Unavailability of effective-vaccine and issues of drugresistance advocatesthe use of human cell/tissues reconstituted immunodeficient-mice to P. falciparum. Anumber of immunodeficient-strains(TK/NOG, FRG/NOD, NOD/SCID/IL-2 receptor γ chainnull, NOD severecombined immunodeficiencygamma[NSG]mouse and NOD.Rag1-/- IL2Rγ-/- [NRG;DRAG]) are used for humanization purposes. Additionally, human-hematopoietic stemcells (CD34 reconstituted-NSG [human immunesystem]) micesupport the engraftment andrepopulation of immune effecters to study systemic inflammatorydiseases.

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