
Structure and Evolution.- Plasmids as Organisms.- Report on a Workshop: Structure and Function.- Evolutionary Relevance of Genetic Rearrangements Involving Plasmids.- Mechanisms of Transposition in Bacteria.- Insertion of Transcriptional Elements Outside the Replication Region Can Interfere with Replication, Maintenance, and Stability of ColE1-Derived Plasmids.- Studies on the Transposition of IS1.- On the Transposition and Evolution of Tn1721 and its Relatives.- Repeated DNA Sequences Recombine 1,000 Times More Frequently in a Plasmid Than in the Chromosome of BacillusSubtilis.- Mercury Resistance Transposon Tn813 Mediates Chromosome Transfer in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Intergeneric Transfer of pBR322.- Report on a Workshop: Plasmids in Unusual Systems.- Replication, Incompatibility, and Partition.- Chairman's Introduction: Replication, Incompatibility, and Partition.- Role of the ? Initiation Protein and Direct Nucleotide Sequence Repeats in the Regulation of Plasmid R6K Replication.- Initiation of Replication of the EscherichiaColi Chromosomal Origin Reconstituted with Purified Enzymes.- Origin and Initiation Sites of ?dv DNA Replication In Vitro.- Broad Host-Range Plasmid R1162: Replication, Incompatibility, and Copy-Number Control.- Control of Plasmid Replication: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Solutions.- The Partition Functions of PI, P7, and F Miniplasmids.- Genetic Interactions of Broad Host-Range Plasmid RK2: Evidence for a Complex Replication Regulon.- Replication Determinants of the Broad Host Range Plasmid RSF1010.- Regulation of Replication and Maintenance Functions of Broad Host-Range Plasmid RK2.- Control of Chromosome Replication in Bacteria.- Stable Maintenance of Plasmid CLO DF13: Structural and Functional Relationships Between Replication, Control, Partitioning, and Incompatibility.- Replication Control for PT181, An Indirectly Regulated Plasmid.- Construction of ColE1 RNA1 Mutants and Analysis of their Function In Vivo.- Incompatibility and INCFII Plasmid Replication Control.- P1 Plasmid Maintenance: A Paradigm of Precise Control.- Partitioning of the pSC101 Plasmid During Cell Division.- DNA-Protein Interaction at the Replication Origins of Plasmid Chromosomes.- Positive Regulation and Transcription Initiation of xy1 Operons on TOL Plasmid.- Plasmid Transfer.- Chairmen's Introduction: Plasmid Transfer.- Linear Plasmids with Terminal Inverted Repeats Obtained from Streptomycesrochei and Kluyveromyceslactis.- Conjugal Plasmid Transfer in BacillusThuringiensis.- Mechanisms Essential for Stable Inheritance of Mini-F Plasmid.- Sex Pheromones and Plasmid Transfer in StreptococcusFaecalis: A Pheromone, cAM373, Which is Also Excreted by StaphylococcusAureus.- General Genetic Recombination of Bacterial Plasmids.- The Origin of Plasmid DNA Transfer During Bacterial Conjugation.- Genes and Gene Products Involved in the Synthesis of F-PILI.- Genetics of Clindamycin Resistance in Bacteroides.- Effect of Chromosome Homology of Plasmid Transformation and Plasmid Conjugal Transfer in Haemophilus Influenzae.- Plasmid DNA Primases and Their Role in Bacterial Conjugation.- Promoters in the Transfer Region of Plasmid F.- Conjugative Sex Plasmids of Streptomyces.- Specialized Functions, Structure, and Evolution.- The Structure and Source of Plasmid DNA Determine the Cloning Properties of Vectors for BacillusSubtilis.- Shuttle Vector for EscherichiaColi, PseudomonasPutida, and PseudomonasAeruginosa.- Report on a Workshop: Plasmid Cloning Vehicles.- Plasmids in the Degradation of Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds.- Notes on Metabolic Plasmid Organization and Expression.- The Structure of the mer Operon.- Analysis and Manipulation of Plasmid-Encoded Pathways for the Catabolism of Aromatic Compounds by Soil Bacteria.- The Plasmid-Specified Aerobactin Iron Uptake System of EscherichiaColi.- Plasmid-Mediated Iron Sequestering Systems in Pathogenic Strains of Vibrioanguillarum and EscherichiaColi.- Chairman's Introduction: Specialized Functions.- Cloning of an Enzymatically Active Segment of the Exotoxin-A Gene of PseudomonasAeruginosa Ill.- Structure, Function, and Regulation of the Plasmid-Encoded Hemolysin Determinant of EscherichiaColi.- pIAA, A Virulence Plasmid in PseudomonasSavastanoi.- The Molecular Basis of Plant Cell Transformation by AgrobacteriumTumefaciens.- Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase.- Plasmid and Larval Toxin of Bacilluslaterosporus.- Posters (Poster abstracts have been reproduced as submitted).- Replication, Incompatibility, Partition.- Specialized Functions.- Structure and Evolution.- Transfer.- Vectors.- Rosters.- Speakers.- Participants.- Index of Poster Authors.

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