
Our aim was to isolate and investigate the resistance ratings of enterococci poultry and pig isolates to various antimicrobial agents as well as to determine their plasmid profiles. Antimicrobial resistance ratings and the plasmid profiles of Enterococci isolated from poultry birds and pigs were analyzed. Three hundred and thirty enterococci isolates from poultry birds and pigs were obtained from the three zones in Abia State. Antimicrobial resistance ratings, transformation, curing and plasmid extraction for enterococci were done. The result showed that in both animal species multi-resistance to antimicrobials occurred in more than 40% of enterococci isolates. The enterococci isolates were resistant to floxapen (90%), ceprofloxacin (70%) and norfloxacin (80%). It also showed that the organisms were sensitive to lincocin (100%), chloramphenicol (85%) and gentamicin (75%). There were significant differences (P 0.05). There was significant difference (P 0,05). Il y avait une difference significative (P<0,05) parmi les isolats lors de la pre- transformation et post-transformation. L'analyse du profil plasmidique d 'Enterococcus spp. a revele les bandes d'ADN plasmidique allant de la taille de 800 a 2. 000 bp qui semblait bandes brillantes. Les grands ont ete perdus lors de stockage de cellules,, certains etaient moins plasmide. Pas de correlation entre schemas de plasmides et la resistance aux antimicrobiens. Les recherches montrent de bonnes perspectives pour des recherches plus approfondies dans la meme domaine d'explorer et d'attribuer la cause precise pour la resistance. Aux antimicrobiens et la multiresistance. Mots- cles: Enterococcus spp., Plasmide, Volailles, Porcs, la resistance aux antimicrobiens.

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