
The International Tokamak Experimental Reactor (ITER), the first burning fusion plasma experiment based on the tokamak principle, is ready for construction. It is based on many years of fusion research resulting in a robust design in most of the areas. Present day fusion research concentrates on the remaining critical issues which are, to a large extent, connected with processes of plasma–wall interaction. This is mainly due to extended duty cycle and the increase of the plasma stored energy in comparison with present-day machines. Critical topics are the lifetime of the plasma facing components (PFC) and the long-term tritium retention. These processes are controlled mainly by material erosion, both during steady state operation and transient power losses (disruptions and edge localized modes (ELMs)) and short- and long-range material migration and re-deposition. The extrapolation from present-day ‘full carbon wall’ devices suggests that the long-term tritium retention in a burning fusion device would be unacceptably high under these conditions allowing for only an unacceptable limited number of pulses in a D–T mixture. As a consequence of this, research activities have been strengthened to understand in more detail the underlying processes of material erosion and re-deposition, to develop methods to remove retained tritium from the PFCs and remote areas of a fusion device and to explore these processes and the plasma performance in more detail with metallic PFC, such as beryllium (Be) and tungsten (W), which are foreseen for the ITER experiment.This paper outlines the main physical mechanisms leading to material erosion, migration and re-deposition and the associated fuel retention. It addresses the experimental database in these areas and describes the further research strategies that will be needed to tackle critical issues.

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