
Measurements conducted in interplanetary space and in the vicinity of planets of the solar system have shown plasma structures produced by the solar wind that resemble fluid dy- namic features; namely, vortex rotations within the earths magnetosphere and also along the Venus wake. In both planets the solar wind encounters different obstacles since the earth is protected by its intrinsic magnetic field that is compressed by the dynamic pressure of the solar wind to form a large size cavity (the magnetosphere) that bounds its direct approach to the earths vicinity. At Venus the conditions are different since the planet does not have an internal magnetization that would produce an earth-type magnetic obstacle to the solar wind. Instead, the latter reaches directly upon the upper layers of the planets atmosphere and interacts with its ionized components (the ionosphere). The outcome of this interaction is a plasma wake of large extent whose geometry is similar to that of the earths magneto- spheric tail but that arises from conditions that are different in both planets. While there is evidence for the observation of fluid-like vortices as the solar wind streams along the wake of the earth and Venus there is a major issue as to the manner in which they are produced. In fact, since the solar wind is a collisionless plasma; namely its charged particles barely exe- cute collisions among them (their mean free path is comparable to one astronomical unit) it should not be expected that it behaves as a continuum when it interacts with planetary ob- stacles. The opposite has been verified by a variety of observations with indications that the physical properties of both the solar wind fluxes and the planetary particles that are being eroded through their interaction can be described in terms of fluid dynamic processes (a re- view of this issue was presented by Perez-de-Tejada, 2012). The motion of the solar wind particles as they interact with the earths magnetic field is de- scribed in terms of gyromagnetic trajectories as they move across the magnetic field lines.

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