
Monometallic nickel and bimetallic nickel–platinum catalysts derived from hydrotalcites were prepared by glow discharge plasma pretreatment for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. In the monometallic nickel catalyst, the plasma pretreatment increased the dispersion of nickel but decreased its degree of reduction, whereas the addition of platinum facilitated the reduction of nickel. As a result, the plasma-treated bimetallic Ni–Pt catalyst exhibited a high reforming activity. It also displayed an improved stability because of its enhanced resistance to sintering and excellent anti-coking performance. The plasma-assited Ni–Pt catalyst effectively inhibited coking by improving metal dispersion, reducing Ni0 size and modifying nickel ensembles. The P-NiPt/MgAlO catalyst exhibited improved activity and stability in the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. Its excellent anti-coking performance resutled from the small size of Ni0, high metal dispersion and Ni ensembles modified.

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