
Sepsis-induced systemic inflammation results in coagulation abnormalities that may be different in gram-positive and gram-negative infections. We used ciprofloxacin to induce a predominantly gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis polymicrobial sepsis in rats. Ciprofloxacin-untreated rats exhibited a predominantly gram-negative polymicrobial sepsis. Rats were subjected to 30% body surface area burn (B), cecal ligation puncture (CLP) with a 22-gauge needle, and B + CLP. Ciprofloxacin-treated B + CLP rats showed a significant decrease in plasma thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) levels compared with sham rats. However, plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) levels decreased significantly in B, CLP, and B + CLP groups compared with sham rats. The ciprofloxacin-untreated group showed a significant decrease in plasma TAFI levels in CLP and B + CLP and plasma TFPI levels decreased in all 3 groups compared with sham rats. Histological changes in the liver and kidney included vascular congestion and parenchyma bleed following B + CLP in ciprofloxacin-untreated rats. These results suggest that plasma TAFI and TFPI levels differ depending on the type of bacteria involved in the septic process.

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