
Plasma relaxin immunoactivity was measured every 2 hr during 4-day periods in a series of sheep to cover the 17-day period of the ovine oestrous cycle. The immunoactivity fluctuated considerably throughout eacn 4-day period, and a large betwee-animal variation was found. A marked episodic release, occurring at approximately 12.00 and 24.00 hours, was identified and shown to occur more regularly either at certain times of the cycle or in certain animals. Relaxin immunoactivity was high throughout the late pro-oestrous phase of the cycle (Days 15 and 16), and at 24 hr after the onset of the LH peak, conincidnet with the approximate time when ovulation occurs. Bursts of relaxin activity were found on Days 8 to 9 in one ewe, and Days 10 and 11 and 13 to 14 in another. There was no significant correlation between prolactin levels and relaxin immunoactivity in one ewe studied throughout the oestrous period.

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