
Human Herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8)-negative/idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD) is a poorly understood disease involving polyclonal lymphoproliferation with dysmorphic germinal centers, constitutional symptoms, and multi-organ failure. Patients can experience thrombocytopenia, anasarca, reticulin fibrosis, renal dysfunction, organomegaly, and normal immunoglobulin levels, - iMCD-TAFRO. Others experience thrombocytosis, milder effusions, and hypergammaglobulinemia, -iMCD-Not Otherwise Specified (iMCD-NOS). Though the etiology is unknown in both subtypes, iMCD symptoms and disease progression are believed to be driven by a cytokine storm, often including interleukin-6 (IL-6). However, approximately two-thirds of patients do not respond to anti-IL-6 therapy; alternative drivers and signaling pathways are not known for anti-IL-6 nonresponders. To identify potential mediators of iMCD pathogenesis, we quantified 1129 proteins in 13 plasma samples from six iMCD patients during flare and remission. The acute phase reactant NPS-PLA2 was the only significantly increased protein (P = .017); chemokines and complement were significantly enriched pathways. Chemokines represented the greatest proportion of upregulated cytokines, suggesting that iMCD involves a chemokine storm. The chemokine CXCL13, which is essential in homing B cells to germinal centers, was the most upregulated cytokine across all patients (log2 fold-change = 3.22). Expression of CXCL13 was also significantly increased in iMCD lymph node germinal centers compared to controls in a stromal meshwork pattern. We observed distinct proteomic profiles between the two iMCD-TAFRO patients, who both failed anti-IL-6-therapy, and the four iMCD-NOS patients, in whom all three treated with anti-IL-6-therapy responded, suggesting that differing mechanisms may exist. This study reveals proteomic differences between flare and remission and the potential to molecularly define iMCD subgroups.

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