
An investigation was made into the protein profile of colostrum/milk of ten Murrah buffaloes and of their ten buffalo calves during their first week of neonatal life to study the materno-neonatal transfer of immunoglobulins (Ig). Calves were pail fed 3.5 liter of colostrum and/or milk per calf/day exclusively from their dam. First blood sample from newborn calves was collected before colostrum feeding on the day of birth (day zero) and the sampling continued daily for seven days after colostrum/milk feeding. Colostrum/milk Ig and IgG values were 4.82±2.60, 2.19±1.90, 1.12±0.82, 0.69±0.44, 0.59±0.31, 0.47±0.20, 0.40±0.22, 0.40±0.25 and 3.58±1.90, 1.08±0.92, 0.52±0.40, 0.31±0.20, 0.27±0.14, 0.22±0.08, 0.18±0.09, 0.14±0.08 respectively during 0-7 days post partum. The concentration of total colostrum/milk proteins, Ig, IgG and albumin were highest within 12 h post-partum. Thereafter, the concentrations followed a declining trend which may be attributed to the reduced transfer of proteins from the maternal blood, declining synthesis by the mammary glands and/or depletion of stored proteins. The concentrations of plasma Ig and IgG before colostrum feeding on day zero were 0.42±0.09 and 0.08±0.03 respectively. The levels of plasma Ig were 1.90±0.37, 1.80±0.31, 1.80±0.26, 1.81±0.28, 1.78±0.31, 1.79±0.21, 1.80±0.32 and of IgG were 1.57±0.41, 1.30±0.29, 1.31±0.21, 1.27±0.18, 1.23±0.21, 1.23±0.16, 1.26±0.21 on days 1-7 after birth after colostrum/milk feeding. The concentrations of total plasma proteins, Ig, IgG were lowest before colostrum feeding and increased significantly (p<0.05) after colostrum feeding in buffalo neonates. The results suggest that the highest amounts of colostral Ig and IgG were available on the day of parturition and thus the calves should receive colostrum as early after birth as possible. Colostrum Ig and IgG concentrations were not correlated to plasma Ig and IgG concentrations in the post-suckle buffalo calves and therefore, colostrum Ig and IgG concentrations were probably not the principle determinants of calf post-suckle plasma Ig and IgG concentrations. (Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2003. Vol 16, No. 3 : 348-352)

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