
Leading ’t Hooft coupling corrections to the photoemission rate of the planar limit of a strongly-coupled $ \mathcal{N}=4 $ SYM plasma are investigated using the gauge/string duality. We consider the full $ \mathcal{O}\left( {{\alpha^{{\prime 3}}}} \right) $ type IIB string theory corrections to the supergravity action, including higher order terms with the Ramond-Ramond five-form field strength. We extend our previous results presented in [1]. Photoemission rates depend on the ’t Hooft coupling, and their curves suggest an interpolating behaviour from strong towards weak coupling regimes. Their slopes at zero light-like momentum give the electrical conductivity as a function of the ’t Hooft coupling, in full agreement with our previous results of [2]. Furthermore, we also study the effect of corrections beyond the large N limit.

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