
Plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations were increased in five hypercholesterolemic normoglyceridemic patients after removal of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) by LDL-pheresis. In each patient up to 80% of circulating LDL was removed by passing plasma through immunoadsorption columns containing antibody to apolipoprotein B immobilized to Sepharose. Rebound of LDL was slow after the procedure: 5-7 days in four non-familial hypercholesterolemic patients and greater than 14 days in one patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Plasma HDL rose above the pretreatment baseline during the interval between treatments in four of the five patients. When treatments were repeated weekly, time-averaged plasma LDL was lowered by 40-70%, while plasma HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein AI were increased up to 2-fold, depending on the degree of LDL lowering. Plasma HDL concentrations fell back to their baseline values when LDL-pheresis was stopped and rose again when treatment was restarted. Thus, LDL-pheresis may augment the therapeutic effectiveness of LDL lowering by raising plasma HDL levels and the concentration of HDL relative to LDL.

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