
The interaction of a tenuous energetic test-particle species with a multispecies high temperature plasma is calculated. The Balescu-Lenard kinetic equation is used in order to include collective effects through the dielectric constant. Quantum corrections are made for close collisions. The theory is first applied to the slowing down of fusion born alpha particles in a mirror-confined plasma and theory and numerical results are compared to previous treatments and corrections are found. In Tokamak-like plasmas most of the alpha-particle energy goes into the electrons and the thermalization time is somewhat larger than the plasma lifetime but heating can nevertheless be substantial. Heating of a Tokamak-like plasma by injection of energetic neutrals is shown to be effective at injection energies ≤ 70 keV, possibly doubling the ion temperature when the injected particle density reaches 1% of the plasma density. For analytic estimates, a simple binary collision model for injection heating is given.

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