
AbstractIn the paper CPP44, No. 7/8 (2004), 656 ‐ 661, S. Kado, T. Shikama, S. Kajita, T. Oishi, S. Tanaka: “Plasma flow measurements in linear divertor simulator MAP‐II using Mach probe and directional Langmuir probe”, unfortunately, through technical oversight, necessary corrections within the text have been omitted.This concerns:1. p. 658, 2nd paragr., line 5: instead of “0, ‐30 (red shift) and +30 (blue shift)” read: “0, ‐26.5 (red shift) and +26.5 (blue shift)”2. p. 659, 3rd paragr. from below, last line: instead of “errors of about 40 ‐ 50 %” read: “errors of about 5 %”3. p. 660, Fig. 5, caption, 3rd line: instead of “+30 degree” read “+26.5 degree”, 5th line: instead of “‐30 degree” read “‐26.5 degree”, (both in accordance with the data given within the figure).We regret these mistakes.See original Contributions to Plasma Physics Vol. 44, No. 7–8, p. 656–661 (2004)

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