
Technical solution were presented for a foil spectrometer installed on the Globus-M2 and TUMAN-3M tokamaks for measuring the electron plasma temperature. Measurements have been carried out of the time dependence of the plasma temperature in the central region of tokamaks. Using of integrated photodetectors and unique beryllium foils with a thickness of 14-80 μm made it possible to increase the sensitivity of the spectrometer. An important quality of the foils used were the increased values of strength, plasticity, homogeneity, and the absence of surface and internal defects. The combined use of the spectrometer with Thomson scattering diagnostics made it possible to carry out regular temperature measurements in the Globus-M2 tokamak with a high spatial and temporal resolution. The influence of impurities is estimated on the measurement of the electron temperature of the plasma. Keywords: foil spectrometry, tokamak, plasma, continuum, bremsstrahlung, electron temperature, soft-X-Ray, Si-photodiode.

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