
Investigations on the energies and radiative properties of the 2p53d 1P1 → 2p61S0 (3C line) and the 2p53d 3D1 → 2p61S0 (3D line) transitions of a highly charged ion embedded in the strong-coupling plasma are made, taking the Fe16+ ion as an example. Two kinds of ion-sphere (IS) potentials are adopted to describe the plasma screening. The multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) method is employed as well to describe the relativistic and electronic correlation effects in the above atomic system. The screening effects on the transition energies, oscillator strengths, and 3C/3D oscillator-strength ratios are estimated. Systematic trends are observed for all the properties under study with respect to increased temperature and electron density. Our results show that both the 3C and 3D energies decrease, yet the oscillator strength of the 3C (3D) line decreases (increases), as the strength of plasma increases (temperature increases and electron density decreases). The present results are compared with the available values in the literature.

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