
Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] is an important carbonate mineral mainly composed of calcium magnesium carbonate. The correct determination of magnesium content in carbonate rocks is important for accessing its suitability for different applications; however, presence of different phases with varying magnesium contents makes their analysis difficult. In the present work, a natural carbonate mineral dolomite is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy along with X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron-probe microanalysis. The optical emission spectra recorded in 200–720 nm wavelength region revealed presence of emission lines for Ca, Mg, Al, Sr, and Na with varying intensities. We used two different techniques, that is, Boltzmann plot and Saha–Boltzmann plot methods to calculate the plasma temperature, and an average value of 4500 ± 450 K was deduced.The Stark broadening line profile method was exploited to calculate the electron number density using calcium and magnesium lines which resulted in 2.39 × 1017 cm–3. The quantitative compositional analysis was carried out using calibration-free laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy method for which the local thermodynamic equilibrium and optically thin plasma conditions were satisfied.The composition for dolomite major constituents calcium and magnesium were estimated as 68.58 and 31.41%, respectively.The results demonstrated the LIBS, EDS, and EPMA ability as an effective, powerful and complementary analytical techniques for the elemental composition analysis of carbonate minerals.

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