
In this work, we present results of electron temperature (Te) and density (ne) measurements obtained in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien (TCABR) tokamak using visible spectroscopy from CVI line emissions which occurs mainly near the center of the plasma column. The presented method is based on a well-known relationship between the particle flux (Γion) and the photon flux (oion) emitted by an ion species combined with ionizations per photon atomic data provided by the atomic data and analysis structure (ADAS) database. In the experiment, we measured the photon fluxes of three different CVI spectral line emissions, 4685.2, 5290.5, and 6200.6 A (one line per shot). Using this method it was possible to find out the temporal evolution of Te and ne in the plasma. The results achieved are in good agreement with Te and ne measurements made using other diagnostic tools.

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