
Odesa urbanoflora plants, which are inherent to some regions of Boreal and Ancient Mediterranean sub reign, were analyzed. In 1976-2015 213 species from 153 genera, 66 families, 4 classes and 2 divisions were collected. They constitute 12 % of the entire city flora. Their systematical analysis, analysis of origin, life forms, ecobiomorphs, economic value, degree of urbanization was performed. The leading families are Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Oleaceae, Actinidiaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Cupressaceae, Lamiaceae, Polygonaceae. 11 families of 66: Actinidiaceae, Balsaminaceae, Buddlejaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Eucommiaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Hostaceae, Sapindaceae, Schizandraceae, Simaroubaceae consist of 100 % Asian species. In genus spectrum the most numerous is genus Spiraea (9 sp.). 4 species have 2 genera, 3 species – 8 genera, 2 species – 20 genera, 1 species – 125 genera. Among life forms the most numerous are arboreal and among grasses – 1-2-year old plants. Analysis of hygromorphs showed prevalence of the mesophyte fraction and heliomorphs – heliophyte fraction, which is typical, in our opinion, of towns and cities of Ukraine South. Among economically valuable plants decorative, officinal, oil-bearing plants are the most numerous. Weeds are present in a comparatively low quantity, but poisonous affinity counts 16 species. By degree of urbanization urbanophils prevail. Investigated plants originate mainly fromEast Asia.

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