
Plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.) is a herbaceous plant of the Musaceae family, native to Southeast Asia and cultivated in most localities in Cameroon. Agricultural products such as potato, cassava, yam and plantain are processed into many products and are an alternative to wheat flour in developing countries. The objective of this study is to promote the production and processing of plantain. The vegetative cycle of the plantain varies between 10-18 months depending on the variety, its consumption is 150 kg/inhabitant/year and has 35.5 g of carbohydrates; 1.3 g of proteins and 5.8 g of fibers. Regular consumption of plantain can be an effective way to fight against oxidative stress. However, it has medical and therapeutic value for diabetic patients, gallbladder disease and colon cancer. Gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea and vomiting can be treated with plantain. It is processed in developing countries to formulate food products like cake, doughnut, pancake, jam and many others. This study contributes to reduce post-harvest losses of plantains and to fight against food insecurity in the world especially in Cameroon.

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