
Plant macroremains were recovered during the renewed excavation at Grapčeva Špilja, a cave on the island of Hvar in Croatia. This is the first archaeoboatnical investigation on an eastern Adriatic island to use flotation samples. Samples were taken from layers dating from the Early Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 6000–1500 B.C.). Sixteen radiocarbon dates obtained from wood charcoal date the samples precisely. Detailed archaeobotanical analyses of plant macroremains reveal plant use during the occupation of the cave, with the highest density of plant remains in the Neolithic. Oak acorns were the most abundant plant remains. Finds of two types of juniper berry cones, various parts of gymnosperm cones, and cypress seeds and leaves indicate that the Mediterranean evergreen woodland was exploited. Remains of cultivated plants are rare. A small number of cereal grains, including emmer, einkorn, and possibly bread wheat were recovered from the Neolithic layers, as well as a few wheat grains from later horizons. Remains of typical wild Mediterranean fruits included almond nutshell fragments, a grape pip, and a fig seed. These finds indicate that the occupants of Grapčeva utilized processed crops but also gathered plants from the wild for food, fuel, and perhaps ritual. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was performed in order to assess charred versus mineralized preservation. Macroplant remains from Grapčeva were compared to the few available plant analyses from the eastern Adriatic. This comparison provides evidence that caves had different functions both from each other and from open-air sites. The plant remains are discussed in the context of the spread of farming on both sides of the Adriatic.

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