
Following the ingestion of plant material, the physician is faced with several questions: Is the plant poisonous? What will the symptoms be? When will they appear? What should I do? Examination of pertinent literature frequently leads to more confusion, since almost any plant may be judged toxic or edible, depending on the reference consulted. The manual by Lampe and Fagerstrom was designed to assist the physician in answering these questions promptly and correctly. It organizes the information of plant toxicology in such a way that if systemic reactions occur, the symptoms make it possible to identify the toxic material based upon their nature. The chapters are divided according to the organ system primarily affected. For example, one chapter deals with those plants which are gastroenteric irritants. The chapter is further divided into those plants which affect chiefly the mouth, the gastric mucosa, and the intestinal mucosa, and those plants producing

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