
Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer is leadingto an increase in ultraviolet-B (UV-B: 280–320 nm)radiation reaching the earth's surface. This hasraised interest in the possible consequence ofincreased UV-B levels on plant growth and developmentand the mechanisms underlying these responses. Although the effects of UV-B are now wellcharacterised at the physiological level, little isknown about the cellular and molecular mechanismsinvolved. Recent studies have shown that UV-B affectsa number of important physiological processes, such asphotosynthesis, through effects on gene expression. In addition, induction of a number of defensemechanisms, such as production of UV-B screeningpigments, increase in antioxidant enzymes andinduction of pathogenesis-related proteins, are alsomediated at the level of gene expression. The signaltransduction pathways by which UV-B regulates geneexpression are at present poorly understood. Thestudies carried out to date have, however, indicateda pivotal role for reactive oxygen species as keysecond messengers acting up-stream of a number ofpathways involving the plant hormones salicylic acid,jasmonic acid and ethylene. The transduction pathwaysidentified to date and the role of intermediates inregulating tolerance to UV-B damage are discussed inthis review.

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