
Plant Remedies against Witches and the Evil Eye in a Spanish “Witches’ Village.” An ethnobotanical survey was carried out to understand the traditional knowledge and current use of different preventive and curative plant remedies against witches and the evil eye in a Spanish rural community (Villarino de los Aires, Salamanca). Located in a Spanish region known as “Arribes del Duero,” this locality has historically been considered an important “witches’ village.” An anonymous questionnaire was answered by 52 people living in the village. The cultural importance index (CI) of each species was calculated. To analyze how knowledge varies as a function of the socio-demographic characteristics of the different informants, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed, taking as variable to model the use-reports provided, and as explanatory variables the age, gender, and educational status. Age was the only variable that explained the variety in the number of plant remedies known; people over 60 knew significantly more plant remedies. Fifteen vascular plants were mentioned. The preventive remedies were particularly associated with key moments of the religious calendar. Branches gathered from olive trees, laurel, and/or rosemary are blessed on Palm Sunday, and then placed on window sills to protect people’s homes. During the celebration of Saint John’s Bonfire, aromatic plants are burnt, and the purifying and protecting power of the smoke emerges. The traditional use of plants hung behind doors of houses and stables to repel witches, and rituals for curing evil eye affecting people, animals, or even possessions were also revealed. Even today in rural communities of western Spain, there is a clear connection between popular religious and magic beliefs and their relationship with nature, especially plants.

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