
This study aimed to determine the effects of different rootstocks and soilless media on the plant growth and yield of cucumber and on the leaf ion (Na+, Ca++, K+ and Cl−) concentrations. Four commercial rootstocks (TZ148 F1, RS841 F1, Nun9075 F1 and Avar F1) and two local landraces (Local-1 and Local-3 belonging to Cucurbita moschata L.) were used as rootstock and grafted and non grafted plants were tested in three different salinity conditions (2.5 dS m−1, 5.0 dS m−1 and 7.5 dS m−1) on three different soilless media (cocopeat, perlite and rockwool) in spring period under greenhouse conditions. Salinity found to reduce root and shoot dry weight, and yield of plants in all growing media. TZ148, Nun9075 and Local-3 are found to improve tolerance of cucumber plants to saline conditions (5.0 and 7.5 dS m−1) when used as rootstocks. Root and shoot dry weight, yield, Ca++ in leaves and K+/Na+ ratio in leaves were significantly decreased, but Na+ and Cl− concentration in leaves were increased under salt stress. Rootstock potential of Local-3 is also found to be quite good for cucumber under saline conditions.

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