
Aim: collection of local wild and cultural gene pool accessions of the plants adapted to the conditions of Chernivetska and Ternopilska oblasts of Ukraine for selection from them ones valuable on economic and biological traits, including them in the plant-breeding and research programs and maintenance in collections of the National Plant Genebank of Ukraine. Results and Discussion. There is carried out expeditionary inspection of the districts of Chernivtsi and Ternopil regions of Ukraine. 495 gene pool accessions of cultural plants and wild relative forms adapted to the conditions of this region related to 241 botanical taxones are collected. 230 accessions belong to cultivated plants, 265 to wild ones. 283 herbarium sheets of 65 plant species are prepared. Natural reserves and objects of the naturally-protected fund are explored for seed collection of rare and regionally rare species, and also vegetation of burial mounds, ravines, beams, slopes, undisturbed meadow and steppe areas. Points for the establishment of in situ conservation reserves have been identified. The collected material will ensure the expansion of the genetic base of existing and the creation of new genetic resources collections of field, medicinal and other crops due to samples characterized by adaptability to stress abiotic and resistance to biotic factors, productivity, product quality. Conclusions. 473 seeds packages and planting material units of gene pool accessions are collected during the expedition and transferred to research institutions for the study. The results of the expedition showed the promise of continuing expeditionary surveys and collecting gene pool samples in Ukraine. To do this, it is necessary to equip the NCPGRU with a specialized vehicle and provide for a special article to finance expeditions.

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